I'll go first because I'm the oldest and besides, Jesse doesn't even live here yet! My name is Skyler and I'm a 5 year old black and tan "tweenie" dachshund. Mom says Tweenie means I'm inbetween a miniature and a standard. That's ok, I like being a tweenie. I'm very cute, Momma says so. I'm a good boy, sooooo handsome and smart she says.
I spend most of my time hanging out with my Mom or my Husis (human sister) Alex. We play chase and ball and tug of war (my favorite!). Occasionally I make them give me treats by doing things like, pooping outside. It's cold out there sometimes, so if I go poop out there they have to give me a cookie. I've also been known to roll over, roll the other way, put em up and speak. But no regular cookie for those, that's hard work. I get T-Bonz for them!
Alright, I suppose it's time to at LEAST show you a picture of my baby brother.
He's 7 weeks old and looks like this.
I think he's funny looking. He's not black and tan like me. He's a...uhmmmmm what did Momma call it? Oh yeah! Chocolate and tan patchwork dapple. That means he's bad for me. See Momma always tells me chocolate is bad for me. Ohhhh she says only the kind you eat, and we can't eat Jesse. But he's funny lookin' all spotted like that.
Mom says I have to get off her computer now but to tell you that I'll post more when I do something interesting. I think typing on her computer is pretty darn interesting, don't you?
Hi there guys! Welcome to blogging...good luck trying to get the computer from your humans!
(Skyler speaking) <----Mom says I have to put that when it's just me talking.
Tell me about it! Mommy is a computer hog. Like dogs don't need it too. I think computers were made for kitties and if it's good enough for kitties, it's good enough for us. Know why I think it's made for kitties? Cuz it's got a mouse!
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